Help for Advanced Queries Only. Not for Simple Queries!

Advanced Queries use operators and expression syntax to construct queries. The rules for defining words and phrases, capitalization and wildcards are, however, the same as for Simple Queries.

Using the binary operators AND, OR, and NEAR, and the unary operator NOT

kayak AND "San Juan Islands"
The operator AND ensures that both are present in the resulting documents. The operator AND binds less tightly than juxtaposition.
"Digital Equipment Corporation" OR DEC
The operator OR ensures that at least one is present in the resulting documents. The operator OR binds less tightly than the operator AND.
Louis NEAR Monier
The operator NEAR ensures that both are within ten words of each other in the resulting documents. The operator NEAR binds less tightly than the operator NOT and associates to the left. This query matches Louis Monier, Louis M. Monier and Monier, Louis.
vegetable AND NOT "brussel sprouts"
The operator NOT is used to exclude words or phrases from a query. The operator NOT binds less tightly than the operator OR . This query is equivalent to vegetable and (not "brussel sprouts"). Do not use vegetable NOT "brussel sprouts"; this query is syntactically illegal.

Examples showing the importance of parentheses

gold or silver and platinum
gold or (silver and platinum)
(gold or silver) and platinum
The first two queries are equivalent. They return documents containing both silver and platinum, together with documents containing gold.
If you want the search to find documents containing platinum and, in addition, in the same document, either gold or silver, you must use the third query pattern.

not gold and silver
(not gold) and silver
not (gold and silver)
The first two queries are equivalent. They return documents containing silver but not gold.
If you want the search to eliminate documents that contain both gold and silver, you must use the third query pattern.

gold near silver and platinum
(gold near silver) and platinum
(gold near silver) and (gold near platinum)
The first two queries are equivalent. They return documents containing gold located close to silver, and in addition, in the same document, the word platinum.
If you want the search to find documents containing gold located close to silver and, in addition, in the same document, gold close to platinum, you must use the third query pattern.

not gold near silver
not (gold near silver)
silver and not (gold near silver)
The first two queries are equivalent. They eliminate from the search all documents containing silver located close to gold.
If you want the search to find documents containing silver but want to eliminate those that contain gold located close to silver, you must use the third query pattern.

gold near silver or platinum
(gold near silver) or platinum
The two queries above are equivalent. They find documents containing gold located close to silver, together with documents containing platinum.

gold near (silver or platinum)
(gold near silver) or (gold near platinum)
The two queries above are equivalent. They find documents containing gold located close to silver, together with documents containing gold located close to platinum.

How searches work: Advanced Queries

To simplify the description that follows, we refer to the type-in field labelled Selection Criteria as the search field, and that labelled Results Ranking Criteria as the ranking field.

How AltaVista performs queries
Simple Queries and Advanced Queries are different interfaces to the same search engine. This being true, you might be surprised that, under certain conditions, apparently identical queries can produce slightly different results, depending on whether you submit them as Simple or Advanced Queries.

Compare, for example, a one-word Simple Query, say plato, with the same word submitted as an Advanced Query, but with no ranking specified. More specifically, this latter query has plato in the search field and nothing in the ranking field. Each of the two queries produces "about 20000" documents, but the ranking is different in each case.

The explanation for the difference in ranking is rather complex, but briefly, AltaVista implements Simple Queries as Advanced Queries. More specifically, a Simple Query gets transformed into a boolean expression together with a set of words to rank the results.

In the example above, AltaVista will implement the Simple Query consisting of the one word, plato as an Advanced Query with nothing in the search field, but plato in the ranking field. Recall that in this example, the Advanced Query had plato in the search field and nothing in the ranking field; in other words, the two queries were actually not identical, and hence the different rankings.

If you submit a different Advanced Query, this time with plato in both the search field and the ranking field, the rankings of the documents matched will also be identical to those produced by the Simple Query for plato.

To sum up, all three of the following queries produce the same matches and in the same ranking order.

       Type of Query           fields            Query word
        Simple               search only            plato
        Advanced               search                ---  
                               ranking              plato
        Advanced               search               plato 
                               ranking              plato

The following query will give you the same matches as for the queries above, but in no particular ranking order.

       Type of Query           fields            Query word
        Advanced               search               plato 
                               ranking              ----


How AltaVista ranks Advanced Queries
Use the type-in field labelled Results Ranking Criteria to enter words or phrases that will determine the ranking of the search results. Recall from the previous section that ranking an Advanced Query is equivalent to performing a Simple Query; the same scoring algorithm is used in both cases. Documents with a high score will appear at the head of the list. High scores are assigned if the selected ranking word appears in the first few words of the document (say, in the title of a Web page or in a header), or if the document contains more than one instance of the ranking word.

Here's an example query, starting with no ranking specified.
      Search field          (gold near silver) and platinum
      Ranking field         
      Result                2000 documents found and listed in no 
                            particular order.

The 2000 documents found will contain the words gold located close to silver and in addition in the same document, the word platinum. If you now choose platinum to rank the search results, the query will produce the same 2000 documents, as you might expect, but ranked so that those with the highest scores for platinum are placed at the head of the resulting list.

      Search field          (gold near silver) and platinum
      Ranking field         platinum
      Result                2000 documents found, ranked so that those with
                            high scores for platinum are listed first. 

You might want to proceed further. On the assumption that documents containing matches for these metals also contain references to other metals, you might want to check for occurrences of another. But notice what happens now to the search results.

      Search field           (gold near silver) and platinum
      Ranking field          palladium
      Result                 200 documents found

In this case, the Advanced Query has not returned the 2000 documents that resulted from this search and reranked them so that any with matches for palladium are listed first. A second level of filtering has been applied to the search result; 1800 documents that do not contain matches for palladium have been discarded. In other words, when the ranking field is not empty, documents that contain none of the words in the ranking field are discarded.

Constraining searches

It is possible to restrict searches to certain portions of documents by using the following syntax. The keyword (link, title, image,...) should be in lower-case, and immediately followed by a colon.

Constraining searches in Web pages:

Matches pages with the phrase click here in the text of a hyperlink.
Matches pages containing the name of the Java applet class found in an applet tag; in this case, NervousText.
Matches pages with the phrase in the host name of the Web server.
Matches pages with comet.jpg in an image tag.
Matches pages that contain at least one link to a page with in its URL.
Matches pages that contain the word algol68 in any part of the visible text of a page. (ie, the word is not in a link or an image, for example.)
title:"The Wall Street Journal"
Matches pages with the phrase The Wall Street Journal in the title.
Matches pages with the words home and html together in the page's URL. Equivalent to url:"home html".

Constraining searches in Usenet news articles:
Matches news articles with the words in the From: field.
subject:"for sale"
Matches news articles with the phrase for sale in the Subject: field.
You can combine this with a word or phrase. For example, subject:"for sale" "victorian chamber pots".
Matches news articles posted (or crossposted) in news groups with rec.humor in the name.
Matches news articles with the word invest, investment, investiture, etc., in the summary.
Matches news articles with the word NASA in all caps in the keyword list.

More about Words, Phrases, Capitalization, Accents, and the *-Notation


AltaVista treats every page on the Web and every article of Usenet news as a sequence of words. A word in this context means any string of letters and digits delimited either by punctuation and other non-alphabetic characters (for example, &, %, $, /, #, _, ~), or by white space (spaces, tabs, line ends, start of document, end of document). To be a word, a string of alphanumerics does not have to be spelled correctly or be found in any dictionary. All that is required is that someone typed it as a single word in a Web page or Usenet news article. Thus, the following are words if they appear delimited in a document: HAL5000, Gorbachevnik, 602e21, www, http, EasierSaidThanDone, etc. The following are all considered to be two words because the internal punctuation separates them: don't,, x-y, AT&T, 3.14159, U.S., All'sFairInLoveAndWar.

Only the words in a document are significant to AltaVista. AltaVista does not index punctuation or white space, so you can use AltaVista to look only for words and phrases, not punctuation.


A phrase is a string of words that are adjacent in a document, although they may be separated by any amount of white space or punctuation. They do not have to be grammatical in any human language--they just have to occur in a document as an adjacent sequence of words. Some examples:

Since the punctuation and white space are insignificant to AltaVista (except that they delimit words), the phrases above are indistinguishable from the following variants:

There are two conventions for typing a phrase in a query. The best way, leading to the least ambiguity, is to type the phrase as "a sequence of words separated by spaces and surrounded by double quotes". However, as an alternative, you may type the words of the phrase with punctuation (and no white space) between each pair of words. For example, these are all equivalent as queries:

The first is the one we generally recommend. Be aware that the punctuation characters & | ! and ~ have meaning in Advanced queries, and * indicates the *-notation used in both Simple and Advanced queries.


Capital letters are considered distinct from lower-case letters. When a word is found in a Web page or a news article, its case is preserved when it is stored in the index.

When you enter a word in a query, therefore, it is always safe, and generally recommended, to type it all in lower-case, because lower-case letters indicate a case-insensitive match. If you type any capital letters, you force an exact case match on the entire word.

Thus, the word turkey in a query will match any of turkey, Turkey, tUrKeY or TURKEY occurring in a document. But the capitalized word Turkey in a query will match only Turkey in the document, and not any of the other capitalization variants.


Accents are treated in the same way as capitalization. An accented word used in a query forces an exact match on the entire word. For example, if you use &eacutel&eacutephant in a query, you will match only the French spelling for the pachyderm. However, if you do not care to enter accents in the search window (something which is browser, platform, and keyboard-dependent), you can always safely omit the accents, thereby matching both the French and English spellings.

The *-notation

To search for occurrences of any of a group of words with a similar pattern, AltaVista provides the *-notation. For example, you might want to search for matches of sing, singer, singers, singing. In this case, place the *-notation at the end of the word whose inflections you want to include in the search: sing*. But, a word of warning. AltaVista will also match words lexically unrelated to your query word. So the query sing* will also find matches for singe, single, singular, and for foreign words such as French singulier.

The *-notation cannot be used without restriction. To make such queries computationally feasible, AltaVista requires that the * be used only after at least three letters. The *-notation will match from zero up to five additional letters in lower-case only. Capital letters and digits will not therefore be matched.

The *-notation can sometimes be useful for finding variant spellings: for example, cantalo* will find matches for cantaloup, cantaloupe, cantalope, and their plurals. But take care how you construct the query word. For example, if you want to find matches for both color and colour, a query of the form col*r is not the most efficient. This query will also find matches for collector and atomic collider. In this case, it is more efficient to submit the query colo*r, which will find matches for both color and colour.

Finally, if your search using the *-notation finds too many matches, AltaVista will ignore the query. The query inte*, for example, produces the result,

Ignored  inte*: 4292323  

No documents match this query

The META tag: Controlling how your Web page is indexed by AltaVista

In the absence of any other information, AltaVista will index all words in your document (except for comments), and will use the first few words of the document as a short abstract.

It is however possible for you to control how your page is indexed by using the META tag to specify both additional keywords to index, and a short description. Let's suppose your page contains:

<META  name="description" 
content="We specialize in grooming pink poodles.">
<META  name="keywords" content="pet grooming, Palo Alto, dog">

AltaVista will then do two things:

Pink Poodles Inc
We specialize in grooming pink poodles. - size 3k - 29 Feb 96

AltaVista will index the description and keywords up to a limit of 1,024 characters.

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